The Family Help Bonus is a benefit that is aimed at households that are in a situation of vulnerability. The payment of this is made only once and consider $ 50 thousand for each family burden.
To access the Bonus it is required to have been a beneficiary of other State programs or be part of other state aid systems.
Requirements for access to the Family Help Voucher
It will be awarded to families that belong to any of the following programs or benefits:
- People with payment of Family or maternal allowance (FA) for their family responsibilities.
- Families belonging to Chile Solidario or to Security and Opportunities Subsystem (Ethical Family Income).
- People with Unique Family Subsidy (SUF).
Values of the Family Aid Bonus 2020
The bonus amounts to $ 50,000 per family charge and it will have an approximate fiscal cost of US $ 185 million.
The 2019 version of the voucher has been available for collection since last December, while the 2020 version of this payment is made according to the date of application to it.
However, those who have face-to-face collection must do so before the December 20 next.
The average payout is $ 100 thousand per household, according to what the authority reported. You can check if you have payment by clicking on the image:
How to appeal if you do not receive this Family Assistance Voucher
In case in the Official site of the Family Help Bonus You figure as a non-beneficiary, you must file a claim with your Rut or identity card, on the same website. The term to carry out this procedure consists of one year for all groups, according to the Law No. 21,195, art. 7.
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