This Saturday the Electoral Service (Servel) published the list of board members for the Primary Elections for regional governors and mayors on November 29.
The above is a prelude, since on April 11 of next year mayors and councilors will be elected. In addition, for the first time it will be possible to vote for regional governors.
In addition to the board members, the voting tables and locations were also published this Saturday, that to optimize the attention of voters have been reduced in number, which implies changes in relation to the 2020 National Plebiscite.
Check here if you are a member and your polling place:
On this occasion, the Electoral Boards determined the members by drawing them from among those who were named for that function in the National Plebiscite.
“For the 21,281 polling stations there will be five members. However, a table will be able to function with the presence of only three members ”, indicated the Servel.
For these Primary elections, the tables will work between 08:00 and 18:00, unless, when closing time came, “there were voters at the table waiting to vote,” said Servel.
All members must attend the constitution of tables on November 28 at 3:00 p.m. in their respective polling place.
In the three business days following the publication of the list of members, that is, Monday 9, Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 November, the members who need it may excuse themselves from holding the position, taking advantage of the grounds for excuse of article 49 of Law 18,700; and those made up of the Servel Board of Directors, which together are:
-Being 60 years of age or older.
-Perform as caregivers or caregivers of older adults or people with special needs and those who work in long-stay establishments for older adults (ELEAM).
-Pregnant women, throughout the gestation period.
-Being the member included among the causes of disability contemplated in article 45 of Law No. 18,700 or having been designated a member of the Scrutineer College.
-Being absent from the country or living in a distant location more than 300 kilometers or with which there are no expedited communications, a fact that will be qualified by the respective Electoral Board.
-Have to perform other functions entrusted by Law No. 18,700 on the same days and hours of operation of the Tables.
-Being physically or mentally unable to perform the function, a circumstance that must be accredited with a medical certificate.
-Complete work in hospital establishments on the same days as the Suffrage Reception Tables, which must be accredited by a certificate from the director of the respective health establishment.