Check if you were appointed a board member for the primary elections at the end of the month


The Electoral Service published this Saturday November 7 the list of board members appointed by the Electoral Boards to serve in the primary elections of mayors and regional governors to be held at the end of this month, Sunday, November 29.

As explained by the agency, “the Electoral Boards the members will be determined by drawing them from among those who were named for said function in the National Plebiscite “.

On this occasion, to “optimize care”, Premises and voting tables were reduced in number compared to the 2020 National Plebiscite: there will be 21,281 tables of suffrage (in the Plebiscite there were 44,697), with five table members each, but they can function with only three vowels.

For these primaries The tables will be open between 08:00 and 18:00, unless, when closing time, there are voters waiting to vote.

To find out if you were chosen, you must access the Electoral Data Consultation section of the Servel and enter your RUT.

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In the three business days following the publication of the list of members, that is, Monday 9, Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 November, the members who need it, may excuse themselves to perform the position, taking advantage of the grounds for excuse of article 49 of Law 18,700 and those made up by the Servel Board of Directors, which together are:

  • Being 60 years of age or older.
  • Perform as caregivers or caregivers of older adults or people with special needs and those who work in long-stay establishments for older adults (ELEAM).
  • Pregnant women, throughout the gestation period.
  • Being the member included among the causes of disability contemplated in article 45 of Law No. 18,700 or having been designated a member of the Scrutineer College.
  • Being absent from the country or living in a distant location more than 300 kilometers or with which there are no expedited communications, a fact that will be qualified by the respective Electoral Board.
  • Having to perform, on the same days and hours of operation of the Tables, other functions entrusted by Law No. 18,700.
  • Being physically or mentally unable to perform the function, a circumstance that must be accredited with a medical certificate.
  • Carry out work in hospital establishments on the same days that the Suffrage Reception Tables are operating, which must be accredited by a certificate from the director of the respective health establishment.
  • The excuses may be formulated in writing before the secretary of the respective Electoral Board or accredited to the local delegate on the day of the Primaries or to the Local Police Judge if they were to be summoned later.

All members must attend the table setting on November 28, at 3:00 p.m., in their respective polling place.

Sanitary measures

Voters and female voters adults over 60 years of age, pregnant women, people who have some type of disability, and voters who require assistance in the exercise of his suffrage they will have preferential treatment to vote throughout the voting process.

Voters who attend to vote must attend without the company of another person, except in the case of those who require assistance when exercising their suffrage, as well as people who must be accompanied by a child or adolescent because of Force Majeure.

The capacity of the voting premises will be determined by multiplying the number of tables by 10.

As for the journalistic teams, and as in the Plebiscite of October 25, these must be accredited before the Communications Unit of the Electoral Service on November 28 and 29 by filling out a form with the personnel who will work those days, at least 48 hours in advance. To enter the voting premises, the journalistic teams must show the credential of the respective media to the delegate or one of his assistants.

Only one maximum of one attorney-in-fact per candidate participating in the primary elections to the actions of each voting table. Y from the closing of the tables, the presence of no more than 10 people for each table will be allowed (without counting the proxies and vowels) for the scrutiny of the same.

Every person who is inside a polling station must keep a minimum physical distance of one meter between one person and another, use mask permanently, and respect all the measures of the 2020 Primary Health Protocol.

Key dates

Saturday, November 14: The Electoral Board publishes the lists of vowel replacements for polling stations and members of Scrutineering Colleges

Last day to disclose results of public opinion polls referring to electoral preferences

Tuesday, November 24: The Electoral Service will publish, in newspapers, the facsimiles of the official voting cards and the material characteristics of the templates for blind people to be used in the primary elections.

Thursday, November 26: At midnight all kinds of electoral propaganda ends.

Saturday November 28: At 3:00 p.m., the members of the designated Receiving Tables meet to establish themselves in the place that has been set for their operation.

Sunday, November 29: Primary Elections of Regional Governors and Mayors.
