Check here if you were elected as a table member in the elections of April 10 and 11


Facing the quadruple election of the April 10 and 11, the Electoral Service (Servel) published the list of persons designated as board members for said elections.

After the enactment of the law that allows voting to take place in two days, the members will receive a $ 60 thousand bonus.

In addition, the Ministry of Health announced that from next week the members will be included in the vaccination plan.

Read also: How many councilors are elected by communes?

How to check if you were appointed

To check if you should act as a table member or not, you must enter the Servel website and click on Election Data Consultation.

There, you must enter your RUT, without points and with screenplay.

Then you will see the list of your electoral data, including if you were appointed to fulfill this civic duty.

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Grounds to excuse yourself

Between Monday 22 and Wednesday 24 March, those who have been designated as members will have a deadline to present their excuses before the Electoral Boards, in case of not being able to carry out the work.

Valid reasons to excuse yourself, contemplated in article 49 of Law 18,700, are the following:

  • To have 60 years of age or older.
  • Perform as caregivers of older adults or people with special needs and those who work in long-stay establishments for the elderly (ELEAM).
  • Women pregnant, throughout the gestation period.
  • Be the person between the causes of disability contemplated in Article 45 of Law No. 18,700 or have been designated member of the Scrutineer College.
  • Being absent from the country the based in a distant location more than 300 kilometers or with which there are no expedited communications, a fact that will be qualified by the respective Electoral Board.
  • Having to perform on the same days and hours of operation of the Tables, other functions entrusted by Law No. 18,700.
  • Being physically or mentally disabled to exercise the function, a circumstance that must be accredited with a medical certificate.
  • Carry out work in hospital establishments on the same days that the Suffrage Reception Tables operate, which must be accredited by a certificate from the director of the respective health establishment.

Read also: Elections 2021: What are the functions of councilors?

These can be presented in a in person or via email, with the data available on the Servel site.

Once the final payroll is published on Saturday, March 27, the appointees will not be able to present excuses and those who do not attend to carry out their work risk an electoral violation, which is sanctioned with a fine for municipal benefit, which will from 2 to 8 UTM (approximately between $ 79,500 and $ 318,000).
