Chamber generally approves project that allows euthanasia in Chile: returns to committee | National


The Chamber of the Chamber of Deputies approved this Thursday in general the idea of ​​legislating the project of “dignified death” and palliative care, which will now return to the original committees because it received several indications during the parliamentary debate.

The bill was approved with 79 votes in favor, 54 against and 5 abstentions, while the indication regarding authorization in the case of those over 14 and under 16 was rejected due to not achieving a sufficient quorum.

The voting for the project was quite transversal, as it counted on the rejection of some opposition deputies such as DC Miguel Ángel Calisto or Joanna Pérez, the independent Jorge Sabag and Pedro Velásquez, in addition to the abstention of the radical José Pérez.

For which several deputies from Chile Vamos gave him their support, such as the Evópoli Francisco Undurraga, Sebastián Keitel or Pablo Kast, and also some from Renovación Nacional such as Erika Olivera, Andrés Longton, Ramón Galleguillos, Sebastián Torrealba and Andrés Celis.

The project indicates that only in the case that a person has been diagnosed with a serious and irremediable health problem, You will have the right to decide and request, in accordance with the requirements and forms established by law, medical assistance to die.

The requirements to be able to request medical assistance to die are that two doctors must diagnose the disease or illness, be over 18 years old, be conscious at the time of making the decision and in full use of their mental faculties, which must be certified by a specialist.

The project also details the entire procedure for the execution of the death assistance of a person, also establishing the right of the medical team to be conscientious objectors.

Along with this, the existence of the advance directive document is established, which is an act by which a capable person of legal age expresses his future decision to receive medical assistance to die, when he is in the situation that the law requires. allow.

In this statement, one or more trusted persons, of legal age, classified in order of preference and priority, may be designated to express the patient’s wishes to the doctor.
