The Chamber of the Chamber of Deputies approved by 130 votes in favor, the consolidated bill that empowers a family judge to authorize the withdrawal of pension funds from the delinquent obligor, by the food company or its legal representative.
The initiative, now sent to the Senate, arose in light of the problems caused with the first withdrawal of 10% of pension funds, in which many food debtors (87 thousand contributors) preferred not to withdraw the funds in order not to pay unpaid debts with their sons and daughters.
As reported in the process, of the avalanche of 500 thousand cases in courts for the retention of 10%, 250 thousand have not yet been paid by the AFPs to children and adolescents. In addition, it is taken into account that, in Chile, 84% of the debtors in maintenance causes do not pay the pensions.
In this context, the proposal indicates that in order to demand the payment of debts originated by maintenance obligations, the competent family judge will authorize the request for withdrawal of pension funds accumulated in individual capitalization accounts of mandatory contributions, which allows the Constitution and transitory provisions, up to the entire debt.