This Thursday, the Chamber of Deputies and Deputies approved a draft resolution that asks President Sebastián Piñera to militarize the region of La Araucanía.
The initiative had 61 votes in favor, 32 against and 26 abstentions. In addition to the official votes, the support had four votes from the DC: Miguel Ángel Calisto, Joanna Pérez, Jorge Sabag and José Miguel Ortiz.
But the controversy was also rooted in the abstentions in the ranks of the opposition. The socialists Jenny Álvarez, Juan Luis Castro, Marcos Ilabaca, Manuel Monsalve, Jaime Naranjo, Emilia Nuyado, Luis Rocafull, Gastón Saavedra, Marcelo Schilling, Leonardo Soto and Daniela Ciccardini chose this path; the PPD Tucapel Jiménez and Rodrigo González; the radicals Carlos Abel Jarpa, Alexis Sepúlveda, Marcela Hernando and Cosme Mellado; the liberal Alejandro Bernales; the independent Pepe Auth, the DC Iván Flores, Gabriel Silber and Daniel Verdessi; former PS Patricio Rosas and regionalist Esteban Velásquez.
Said text that was voted on was presented by deputy Sebastián Torrealba (RN) and it requests “the deduction of criminal actions for terrorist offenses in the cases that the circumstances warrant it and the provision of a State of Constitutional Exception different from the current one, that allows the Armed Forces and of Order and Security to confront the power of fire ”.
The Government has indicated that despite requests from Congress, the State of Catastrophe will remain in the southern macrozone.