CEP presents proposal to modify Fonasa for debate in Congress on its reform | National


Sebastián Beltrán | UNO Agency


151 pages has a document prepared by the Center for Public Studies (CEP), to reform the National Health Fund (Fonasa) and that is divided into five axes.

One of its editors and CEP researcher, Carolina Velasco, explained that it is necessary to establish a Universal Health Plan, that is, for those who are and are not affiliated with Fonasa, leaving aside the payment for benefits.

Another point, he added, is the creation of National Health Council, an instance that must be independent of the government of the day, although he warned that all changes must be implemented progressively.

Regarding the corporate governance of Fonasa, propose that a board of directors and an executive president be created, who depends on the instance and does not have a vote.

They ensure that Fonasa must be responsible for the health plan with the power to establish conditions and sanctions of the providers, with tools so that the benefits are fulfilled.

The Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, valued the proposal, because the Executive recently entered the reform of Fonasa in the Senate.

The chairwoman of the Senate Health Commission, the DC Carolina Goic, made a self-criticism about the delay in improving the system.

It will be precisely in the Health Commission where in the coming days or weeks the discussion of the reform project to Fonasa will begin, while in parallel progress is being made in the modification of the isapres, incorporating a guaranteed plan.
