Celestino Córdova spokesmen call “to be attentive and on alert” after the machi is transferred


Before the transfer of machi Celestino Córdova to the Vilcún Education and Work Center, his spokesmen called “all the guarantors of this mobilization, both the institutions, parliamentarians and our Mapuche nation to be vigilant and on alert.”

Through a statement, they assured that after 7 years of being deprived of liberty in the Temuco jail, he was taken to this site to serve the rest of his 18-year sentence.

“We would like to be emphatic in pointing out that said conviction process was full of vices, a situation that triggered a very high political condemnation and for this reason, we say once again that our ancestral authority Machi Celestino Córdova is innocent,” they said.

Celestino’s spokesmen

In the letter, they maintained that this transfer “is due to a part of the agreements reached with the Government due to the tremendous physical-spiritual sacrifice that the hunger strike carried out by our ancestral authority meant. We hope that all of the agreements reached with the Government for all Mapuche political prisoners and which we will detail on another occasion. Likewise, we await the departure of our lawengelu to his rewe. “

In the same vein, they called on all political prisoners “to enforce the agreements reached in this strike and to demand the change of precautionary measure for the accused and the transfer to a CET for the convicted.”

“We call on all our Mapuche and non-Mapuche people to be alert and observant of the steps that the government will take in order to comply with the agreements reached. To continue mobilizing, demanding our just rights as a Mapuche nation,” they remarked.
