In the middle of a major police deployment, the machi Celestino Córdova was transferred to the Center for Education and Work (CET) of the commune of Vilcún.

The transfer took place at 8:00 am from the Nueva Imperial Intercultural Hospital, thus fulfilling two of the eight points that managed to unblock their extensive hunger strike.

In this way, now it subtracts the concretion of the third point that corresponds to the visit your hostage for a period of 30 hours.

From the Regional Directorate of Gendarmerie of La Araucanía a brief statement was delivered confirming the completion of the transfer and the time.

Meanwhile, from the machi’s spokesperson they indicated that they were not notified of this, so they will not refer at the moment.

Córdova is already at the CET where he will serve the rest of his sentence for the murder of the Luchsinger-Mackay couple.