Cathy Barriga, the current mayor of Maipú is the mother of three children, ages 3, 9 and 21. And on this mother’s day, in interviews with La Cuarta, she commented on her process regarding motherhood and political work.
“I lived a very nice process at every stage of my life and I was just faced with motherhood when I was a regional councilor. I worked until the last moment. I quit my prenatal and postnatal because I had to make the decision to be a mayoral candidate, “she said. What was clearly a decision that had its results. When her son Romeo was four months old, she took over as Mayor, even the little one learned to walk in the corridors of the Municipality. But of course, the processes he lived with each son were different, because they have a greater age difference.
“Each process has been very special in very different states and life situations. And it has a single common denominator, which is mom’s love. That it is always possible and that a mother is always for her children regardless of the job, the job or the problem. There is nothing and nobody that prevents having a bond as powerful as the affective bond, to carry it in your belly and know when they feel bad without being with them. I have that magical connection with them and in this very adverse scenario it is without a doubt a double sacrifice. We never stop being mothers, we add roles and we have a heart full of love for them ”, she concluded.