Carolina Escobar was moved by her husband’s surprise visit to BDAT for her birthday | TV and Show


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20 November, 2020 | Posted at 12:57

20 November, 2020 | Posted at 12:57

Carolina Escobar was moved by her husband’s surprise visit to BDAT for his birthday

Carolina Escobar was moved by her husband’s surprise visit to BDAT for his birthday


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This Saturday, the journalist and host of Good morning to all, Carolina Escobar will be on her birthday and since the program is not broadcast on weekends, they wanted to surprise her this Friday, with emotional greetings.

First it was her husband, Diego Bustos, who recorded a video, which moved the communicator on the screen.

Happy Birthday. I told you in the morning that I have a meeting, I can’t go backBecause I have to leave urgently, I confess that I left the boys alone with the dog, Lola, she takes care of them, don’t worry, “he said humorously in the register.

carola escobar

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“I arrive as soon as I can, you have to be in the program, so just ignore it as usual and I somehow manage. At some point during the day we will see each other. Happy Birthday“The journalist also told Escobar, who was moved to see him in the images.

And fulfilled Diego came to the studio surprise to greet his life mate. “I loved Carolina’s aura”, explained to the rest of the members of the morning of TVN, about what was the first thing that caught the attention of the former host of 24 hours upon meeting her.

good morning to all

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Then he told what it took him to conquer her. “I said ‘let’s see how I do it. ANDAt one point they put her next to me and I said ‘this is mine’. Months went by without kissing me“Complained the trans-Andean man Escobar met in the United States.

Another surprise

But it was not the only greeting he received, since her best friend Claudia, also had heartfelt words for the journalist.

“I admire her a lot, I have her in my heart every day. I adore her, because she is always aware of the rest “said the woman, who also added that Carolina was always the one who organized surprises and that now it was her turn to receive one.

carola escobar

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Finally, both her husband and the production of the morning gave gifts to the journalist, who appreciated the gesture, emphasizing that everyone knew his tastes.
