During this Monday the vice president of Christian Democracy, Carmen Frei, referred to the rector of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (PUC), Ignacio Sánchez, about an interview this weekend where he was asked about the investigation into the death of Eduardo Frei Montalva.
When asked that the PUC has been repeatedly blamed for not collaborating with the investigation into the case of the death of President Eduardo Frei Montalva, he clarified that it has.
“This judicial case is currently in the Court of Appeals, after the ruling that we heard almost two years ago by Judge Madrid. I have insisted that the Catholic University has delivered all the collaboration and will continue to do so, since it is what corresponds for the case to be clarified in our courts of justice “Sánchez told El Mercurio.
Along these lines, he added that “over the course of all these years the public has had a very clear will of the institution, on the one hand, to collaborate, and on the other, that our desire is that the truth be known and justice in this case. It has been many years of research, We believe in the innocence of our teachers, we hope that the trial will end soon to know the truth ”.
Therefore, Carmen Frei stated that “Once again, the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile wants to hide its intervention in the death of my father, through its rector Mr. Sánchez in an interview conducted this weekend”.
“We want to reiterate that in these almost 20 years of investigation by Minister Alejandro Madrid, the Catholic University has never collaborated with the research. On the contrary, it has been part of the cover-up chain, hiding from us the results of a pseudo autopsy for more than 18 years, in which Eduardo Frei Montalva’s organs were extracted, ”he said.
In that sense, Frei recalled that They could only “learn all these antecedents through the raid carried out by the Investigative Police of the UC Clinical Hospital, decreed by the Investigating Minister, as stated in the judicial process”.
“Mr. Sánchez again is unaware of the existence of a criminal conviction of the first instance against the members of that study house, Doctors Rosenberg and González,” he said.
Finally, he summoned Sánchez, reminding him “that the Courts of Justice are responsible for judging these facts, in a democratic state of law”.