What happened?
Doctors in the United States have reported a worrying increase in people with coronavirus who have suffered a cardiovascular accident (CVA), especially among young adults victims of the virus.
This new consequence to health due to the new coronavirus has alerted the doctors of the North American country, which is the most affected by the pandemic which appeared in December 2019.
Strange correlation
Until now, the number of coronavirus patients who suffered a stroke is low compared to the total number of infected, However the link between the two is increasing. “This is too powerful a signal to be a coincidence,” said medical researcher J. Mocco, consulted by the Washington Post.
The Mount Sinai Hospital in New York published an explosive increase in patients who arrived this past month with cardiovascular accidents, and more than half tested positive for coronavirus, and the majority were young and without underlying diseases.
A strange phenomenon, since strokes are more frequent in patients who are 70 years old; However, in the midst of a pandemic, this disease is giving to people between 30 and 40 years old. “These are the people who are among the least statistically likely to have a stroke,” Dr. Mocco stressed.
Why is this happening?
Although this correlation is too recent and the reason for its existence is unknown, the doctor at the Yale-New Haven Hospital Center, Harlan Krumholz, He mentions a possible explanation to the mentioned medium:
“One of the theories is that once the body is so engaged in a fight against an invader, the body begins to consume clotting factors that can cause blood clots or bleeding. In Ebola, the balance was more toward bleeding. In COVID-19, there are more blood clots “, exposes.
Although the coronavirus is a new disease, that after weeks new organs are known to affect it, there was a scientific consensus that, in general, it was a respiratory disease. This new correlation toon the possibility that COVID-19 is more dangerous than previously estimated.
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