Carabineros reported the arrest of 829 people during the night and early New Year, 327 of them during curfew hours.
Until 06:00 in the morning, police personnel arrested 829 people nationwide, 502 of them outside curfew hours: 148 in the Metropolitan Region and 354 in regions.
Meanwhile, another 327 people were arrested during curfew hours, in breach of this, 100 of them in the capital and the rest in regions.
This figure, however, is not higher than that registered in previous days: for example, between December 30 and 31, it left 968 people deprived of liberty.
The general Enrique Monras detailed that “in this long weekend that begins, we have carried out more than 74 thousand vehicle checksThis meant that 44 people were arrested for driving while intoxicated, 13 people for driving under the influence of alcohol and also 17 people who did it under the influence of drugs. “
Reported that they already go four people died this long weekend that started, a figure that “we expected was zero.”
“Obviously, we must continue to carry out controls, we must continue to carry out audits to prevent more people from dying on the roads,” he emphasized.
In the country, 6,200 alcohol and drug tests were carried out on motorists: 0.56% were under the influence of alcohol and 13.84% were under the influence of drugs.
The director of the Senda, Carlos charmeHe emphasized that “we are going to be supervising together with the Carabineros, but the call is to self-care for oneself and those who love the most.”
“If you have already made the bad decision to consume any type of drug, do not make a second bad decision and do not drive any vehicle,” he urged.
At the national level and during the last day, 829 people were deprived of liberty.
➡️Check the detail in the following graph.
Respect the measures established to be able to move forward in the fight against the current pandemic. #OrdenyPatria pic.twitter.com/d9QheW4Q2c
– Carabineros de Chile (@Carabdechile) January 1, 2021
Regarding individual temporary permits, in the last 24 hours a total of 162,862, mostly for purchases (114,169).