Carabineros registered a loss of 71 percent in their applicants to the institution of this year compared to 2019, a situation that for the Government is related to the effects of social outbreak.
“An effect of what happened post October 18, because there has been a substantial decrease in income, there is much less interest in being a carabinero. There is a drop of more than 50 percent of income“said the undersecretary of the Interior, Juan Francisco Galli, as published The Mercury.
Along these lines, he assured that, “we will not have public security if we do not have police“.
However, despite this situation, Galli aimed -as a solution- to “recover the interest of citizens“, but for no reason” to lower the selection standards of Carabineros de Chile “to admit more officials.
The percentage of income of the police institution has been constantly decreasing in recent years, with figures around the 5 and 10 percentHowever, the number of applicants for July 2020 reached a 29 percent, far below the 83 percent from last year.
Government bill
These figures have not left the Executive indifferent, since the recommendation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime is to have 300 policemen for every 100,000 inhabitants.
Complex situation due to the Carabineros having a total of 58 thousand uniformed, of which a large part carry out administrative and operational tasks.
Galli announced that they will work with new incentives and a set of changes to be able “from here to December have a proposal for a new police career“which will be sent to Congress.