Monday March 29, 2021 | 09:33
After a weekend without travel permits to reduce the mobility of the population, users reported the Virtual Police Station fall this Monday morning.
On Twitter, the name of the portal became a trend after 09:00 hours due to Internet users who expressed problems to be able to enter the site satisfactorily.
For example, some accused that they could not advance beyond the captcha.
Others, meanwhile, asserted that the page takes a long time to submit the form, or that it simply does not happen, so the captcha expires.
#ComisariaVirtual with problems, it does not go beyond the captcha. they had all weekend to fix their shits, there is no right! pic.twitter.com/cw30OSpxHG
– Iván Polanco (@plaxterm) March 29, 2021
Later, when? When do you miss the medical hour ??? Or when they pass me the part for the inefficiency of #ComisariaVirtual??? pic.twitter.com/Gr1fDwUEfJ
– confectionery !! (@Cony_Conito) March 29, 2021
At 09:47 hours, Carabineros recognized that the platform “presents intermittence in the applications for the respective permits ”.
“To require them you must go to the nearest police station only if it is strictly necessary ”, indicated the institution through its official Twitter account.
At this time, https://t.co/GNd8VOob3i presents intermittence in the requests for the respective permits. To request them, you should go to the nearest police station only if it is strictly necessary. #Stay at home pic.twitter.com/oH4AxrnswC
– Carabineros de Chile (@Carabdechile) March 29, 2021