Carabineros in retirement carry out a collection in favor of the defense of ex-commander Crespo, accused in the case of Gustavo Gatica


“Dear friends, officers, generals, retired chiefs of the carabinieri and of the other branches of the Armed Forces, my promotion will make a money meeting to help Commander Crespo in his defense. That expense must be expensive and it is only in this “, this is the message sent via WhatsApp and with which a group of retired Carabineros officers began a collection to raise funds for the defense of Claudio Crespo, the former official of the institution who was formalized as the author of the shooting. Gustavo Gatica’s face.

As reported by The Clinic, the medium that made the message public, the chain began to circulate among different groups of police, and other branches of the Armed Forces.

Crespo’s former colleagues have already collected around 12 million pesos and the amount is explained, according to the media, since for the retired ranks of the Carabineros, the fall and arrest of Crespo has become a symbol within the institution, For this reason, this collection would not only seek to financially help the defense work led by the criminal lawyer Pedro Orthusteguy – Crespo’s defense attorney-, but also aims to express the discontent that the prosecution of police officers has generated within retired police officers who, In the opinion of those who support the collection, they only did their job in the face of social demonstrations.

It should be remembered that the former cash Claudio Crespo, known as ‘G-3’ by the numerology of his helmet, is in preventive prison.
