Carabineros delivered a balance this Saturday of the demonstrations that were registered in the last hours in the country, with a central focus on the Metropolitan region.

The most serious protests were recorded in Baquedano Square, where there was damage to public and private property.

“It was one of the demonstrations more violent since the beginning of the pandemic, ”said Carabineros.

General Manuel Valdés explained that yesterday’s session ended with 15 detainees (7 in regions and 8 in the capital).

In this context, he clarified that not all the people who attended the demonstrations were involved in disorder.

Valdés delved into the acts of violence in the surroundings of Plaza Baquedano and affirmed that the The institution tried to contain the situation by following the protocols.

Until that place, according to the balance, around 1,500 people would have arrived. “Many of them did not respect the curfew or sanitary measures,” added Carabineros.