Carabinero in civilian clothes was attacked by a group of protesters during protests in Santiago
by Diego Vera
The information is from Jaime Sepúlveda
Jaime Sepúlveda (RBB)
A carabinero in civilian clothes was attacked this Friday afternoon by a group of protesters on the side of the San Francisco de Santiago church, after being recognized as such by the aggressors.
The incident occurred after 6:00 p.m. this Friday in Santiago, when demonstrations were recorded in the vicinity of Plaza Baquedano, when the policeman – dressed in civilian clothes – was attacked by a group of 15 unknown persons.
After being evidently injured, ehe police officer was treated at the scene by Red Cross volunteers and later transferred to a health center, where he was slightly injured.
The Carabineros indicated that the official was in the place carrying out tasks related to the burning of the institutional church on October 18.