Carabinero accused of shooting children insists on legitimate defense: “I was afraid for my life”


The Second Sergeant of the Carabineros John Mograve, accused of shooting two adolescents – 14 and 17 years old – inside the Carlos Macera Home in Talcahuano, belonging to the Ciudad del Niño Ricardo Espinosa Foundation, a collaborating body of Sename, insisted that he acted in self-defense.

The policeman, who complies with the precautionary measure of house arrest, is awaiting the conclusion of the investigation, next February, accused of repeated crimes of Illegitimate coercion and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment against minors.

“I can only tell you that I did everything in my power to dissuade the youth and avoid having to use my weapon to defend myself. I’ve been in the Carabineros for 19 years and I’ve had many difficult situations, but never anything like this. I feared for my life and I think I am alive only thanks to my physical build, which allowed me to run and run and run again between one hit and the other, “Mograve said in an interview with The Third PM.

On the afternoon of Wednesday, November 18, the sergeant went with a colleague to the home after the SAMU call to transfer a decompensated child. According to the defendant, upon arriving at the place “We were violently attacked”.

“I can only tell you that we arrived in a totally friendly attitude and that when we left, a group of adolescents began to attack us in a very violent way with kicks, stones and sticks. In fact, my helmet was split in two with the force of blows from the clubs that I received. And then, when reinforcements arrived, they attacked another comrade so aggressively that they ended up breaking his arm with sticks, “he told the evening.

“I am grateful for being alive and not being the 1,222 carabinieri martyr. It is very sad to see that these adolescents, who are the oldest in the center of Sename, who encourage others to be aggressive and lead the youngest between 7 and 8 years to witness these situations of great violence, “he added.

In the interview, Mograve further revealed that received in his home confinement the current director general of the Carabineros, Ricardo Yáñez, who took command after the resignation of the controversial Mario Rozas following this case: “The support of my general director with his visit was very significant. I thanked him very much for his visit and asked him to continue supporting the police, so that they once again believe in the headquarters and that they know that always with the truth ahead they have the unconditional support of the institution. ”
