The Seremi de Salud of the Metropolitan Region fined the businessman with 300 UTM, just over 15 million pesos Christopher Kaufmann, who at Easter traveled from Santiago to Cachagua by helicopter, quebrantando the sanitary cord that then governed by the coronavirus.
La Seremi, Paula Labra, together with the metropolitan mayor, Felipe Guevara, announced the resolution of the sanitary summary against the businessman.
After learning of the controversy, Kaufmann’s lawyer, José Luis Riesco, he said in an evening that his represented piloted last April 10 -While the sanitary cord was already in force- from the Tobalaba Aerodrome to go to his home in Cachagua.
On the same day, Kaufmann reported to the Valparaíso Health Seremi and argued that he decided to move to the region because there was a person infected with coronavirus in his building in Santiago.
The Metropolitan Mayor, @FelipeGuevaraSt, together with the Seremi de Salud RM, Paula Labra, refer to the sanitary summary fine issued to one of the helicopters that did not respect the sanitary cord during Easter. # Let’s take care of each other pic.twitter.com/QHc6tA8qvg
– Seremi de Salud RM (@SeremiSaludRM) May 11, 2020