This saturday morning a burning chapel was raised at the Temuco Police Training School by Corporal Eugenio Naín Caniumil, who died on Friday after being shot in Metrenco.

Radio Bío Bío it reached the access to the enclosure located near the Cautín Bridge, a road that connects Temuco with Padre Las Casas.

There, La Radio confirmed the reigning secrecy in the place. In addition, he warned that the wake ceremony was restricted only to relatives and some members of the uniformed police, under strict health protocols.

The Radio also corroborated that the institution denied access to the press.

At 11:00 hours there was a response in memory of the 24-year-old who became the 1,221 Carabineros martyr.

Bío Bío was able to confirm that the funeral of the deceased police officer will be held on Sunday, at 1:00 p.m.

For this case, President Sebastián Piñera publicly expressed his regret and the Municipality of La Araucanía filed a criminal complaint.

At the site, Radio Bío Bío learned that inside the enclosure another wake was held at the same time than Nain.

Specifically, it was a noncommissioned officer who died of illness and whose coffin will leave the school after 1:00 p.m.