On Tuesday night, the Minister of Finance, Ignacio Briones, slipped a criticism against the deputies of Chile Vamos that this day were part of the overwhelming approval of the second withdrawal of 10% of pension funds.
“I think everyone has to take charge of their decisions in its internal forum ”, he started.
“We are all free, responsible, adults who take our decisions in the most informed way and thinking, hopefully, always of the common good ”, he added.
After that, the guardian of the public wallet reiterated that the Government has made an effort in the matter that, at times, seems to be lost in the midst of the economic crisis derived from the pandemic.
“We will have our differences, but nobody can say that Chile has not made a very important effort in this matter at the point of the most important thing, which is to dialogue and generate agreements ”, he added.
Criticism against the left
To those who do he openly criticized left-wing MPs as a bloc, of those who lashed out at their legislative actions,
“It keeps calling my attention: a few months after the first retreat there are a second with the same problems as the first, which does not distinguish between people of high or low income, those who need or not the resources, “he snapped.
“It is frankly unintelligible that the left in our country enacts withdrawals without paying taxes for those who have more. It is Contradictory to his super rich speech progressivity, than taxes ”, he added.
In that part of his speech, he did not ignore the support that the measure received in the Chamber, but at the same time asked “look up, because not everything can be short term ”.
“Tomorrow I think the main question is how do we have decent pensions. That supposes a reform and that we cannot strengthen pensions and at the same time weaken them “, he indicated.
For this reason, he maintained that the main instruction of La Moneda is to work together with the Ministry of Labor in a complete reform of the pension system.
The project for a second withdrawal of 10% of AFP funds minted 130 votes in favor and 18 against, with which he went to the Senate, where he will go through his next constitutional process.
In the session, the subsection that contemplated a retirement tax for income over $ 2.5 million was eliminated, thus establishing the universality of benefit.
Likewise, the voluntary reimbursement of funds by the affiliates was approved.
Specifically, the measure stipulates as a limit the withdrawal of a minimum of 35 UF and a maximum of 150 UF.