Briones optimistic with negotiation with the opposition for the Government’s project for a 10% withdrawal | National


FILE | Leonardo Rubilar | UNO Agency


This Wednesday the Senate Constitution Commission will review the project of a 10% second withdrawal of the pension funds, in the middle of the Government’s negotiations to stop the initiative.

While the commission is in session via telematics, meetings were held in parallel between the Finance Ministers, Ignacio Briones, Labor, María José Zaldívar, and Segpres, Cristián Monckeberg, with senators from the opposition and from Chile Vamos, respectively.

According to sources from Radio Bío Bío, the parliamentarians included Ena Von Baer and Jacqueline Van Rysselberghe and the president of the Senate, Adriana Muñoz.

The foregoing, within the framework of the negotiations on the reform of the pension system and this eventual project for the second retirement of pension funds that the Executive is going to send in order to negotiate “limits” to this initiative.

In the past and very briefly, the Minister Briones noted that there is encouragement for dialogue.

“There is good spirit, there is good spirit. If here the key to the challenges that lie ahead is based on dialogue, good spirits, and a constructive spirit. We are always going to be working on that, and that is what we are working on, ”he said.

A little less optimistic, UDI president and senator Jacqueline Van Rysselberghe pointed out that there is not a good mood in the opposition.
