Briones now rules out improving the $ 6,000 minimum wage: Opposition accepts, but with nuances | Economy


He The government ruled out continuing to improve its proposal to readjust the minimum wage in the discussion in the House Labor committee.

The Ministry of Finance raises a increase of six thousand pesos until April, while in the opposition they ask for a higher amount and advance the new negotiations until January.

While the 0% real readjustment was left behind, the Ministry of Finance made transparent the new conditions that the head of the portfolio, Ignacio Briones, had already advanced: a readjustment of six thousand pesos is proposed, in line with what was the trend of the previous government, to establish a new negotiation in April, with greater certainty regarding the economic and labor scenario.

A key point regarding why not negotiate in March, are the elections of Governors and mayors, with the intention that this does not interfere in the discussion.

In the opposition there was welcome to that, but with nuances. The head of the regionalist bench, Alejandra Sepúlveda, pointed out that “The 6 thousand pesos that the Government can offer, we say well, yes, but let’s make the readjustment understanding and removing it from the political thing in the month of January and if not, well let’s see the possibility of 8 thousand pesos in the month of April ”.

“The SMEs may not be able to pay this, that is why we say that the subsidy should be incorporated to the SMEs with that delta that we are proposing,” he said.

This counterproposal from the opposition is part of a concern that was raised during the first debate, which is the accumulated inflation for the food item in the basic basket. That amount would be around 20 thousand pesos, so a parallel subsidy was even raised.

However, the Minister of Finance, Ignacio Briones, was clear in pointing out that the six thousand pesos are already above the expected inflation criteria for March, that already incorporate the value of food, and it is the maximum ceiling. In addition, he also rejected advancing the date for the second negotiation, so that this is transcendental.

“Can anyone believe that in January the employment situation will have changed dramatically, the economic situation will have changed dramatically, to address with the emphasis we would like for the minimum wage to continue to rise instead of April as we propose? I think there are many more chances. Quintile 3, which is where the majority of workers with the minimum wage are concentrated, give a weight of 24% to food, “he explained.

In that sense, for that second negotiation, the socialist deputy Gastón Saavedra asked that the talks be tripartite in nature, in order to establish a long-term trajectory to move towards a minimum salary that provides greater guarantees.

“I don’t like April, I think it has to be March. And in exchange for that, a tripartite work between employers, the CUT and the Government to work on finding an agreement and to build a guaranteed minimum monthly income that exceeds the poverty line. And that means reaching 400 thousand pesos, “he said.

The bill then goes to the House Finance committee, before being reviewed by the Chamber and then in the Senate.
