The parents of Borja Diaz, the little one from Concepción who raised more than one billion pesos in a campaign to buy the most expensive medicine in the world To treat Spinal Muscular Atrophy, they began donating the resources to other families after getting them the treatment at zero cost.
Rodrigo Diaz, Borja’s father explained that “100 million were donated to Rafita de Talcahuano, 100 million also for Lucas, 200 million for the FAME Foundation Chile, in which 18 ventilators and assistants for cough and kinesiological assistance and other things that are needed will be purchased. “
The money that remains, in part, will be used to pay for the hospitalizations that the Díaz Caro family owes and that, as they project, will continue in the short and medium term. Still the 400 million pesos already donated will not be the only ones.
Maria Jose Caro, Borja’s mother, said that “unfortunately the money we have is not enough for the treatment of a child, so we try to see how to make these funds work and we talked with professionals about the requirements that were most needed and is that every time a child is diagnosed, unfortunately not everyone has access to basic equipment so that the disease does not attack them too much “.
“We are going to continue donating to various families that have children with Spinal Muscular Atrophy, we are choosing with Christmas bonuses so to speak. We signed before a notary public that we were going to do so, “he added.