The Deputy of Social Convergence Gabriel Boric called to “embrace without complex ideas of the left”, aligned with “the spirit of October 18”, when commenting through social networks on the departure of the Liberal Party from the Broad Front.
The parliamentarian delivered, first, a warm message to Vlado Mirosevic, warning that “they will continue to be found.” Both were, along with Giorgio Jackson, the founding deputies of the Frente Amplio at the beginning of 2017.
A hug mate. We will continue to meet. https://t.co/SVASQr1huG
– Gabriel Boric Font (@gabrielboric) December 5, 2020
An hour later, he published another message with a more critical sense towards the determination of the Liberal Party, pointing out that the FA should not be afraid to define itself decisively within the left.
“Telluric times. We must embrace left-wing ideas without complex and the spirit of October 18. Recover rebellion and daring. We continue! “, He said.
Telluric times. We must embrace left-wing ideas and the spirit of October 18 without complex. Recover rebellion and audacity. We continue!
– Gabriel Boric Font (@gabrielboric) December 5, 2020
The departure of the Liberal Party – and the recent resignation of deputies Natalia Castillo and Pablo Vidal from the Democratic Revolution– It is understood as part of a criticism of the rapprochement of the Frente Amplio leaders to the Communist Party, which could manifest itself in the future in support of the presidential candidacy of Daniel Jadue.
Frente Amplio: “A turning point to redefine with whom we want to build”
From the Broad Front they responded by means of a letter entitled “Letter to the Frente Amplistas: Dignity and justice for Chile“, in which they expressed:”We regret the departure of the Liberal Party from our coalition, since despite the efforts made to achieve maximum political unity, it has not materialized. “
“This unitary effort has sought to articulate a wide range of parties and social forces to achieve a majority presence in the Constitutional Convention of transformative ideas and thus defeat the veto that the right has imposed during these last 30 years,” they argued.
Without prejudice to it, “this departure should not stop us, rather mark a turning point to redefine who we want to build with the transformations for Chile today. Know how to distinguish who is available to deepen democracy and who to remain in recipes of the past“.
We continue forward with the certainty of putting the energy and will to articulate the widest majority to build the transformations that the New Chile through a participatory constituent process and with citizen leadership. pic.twitter.com/mPzU9gfrox
– Frente Amplio Chile (@elfrente_amplio) December 5, 2020