Book Day: the panoramas to celebrate at home


Since we have to be home because of the coronavirus pandemic, this time the celebration of Book Day will be very different, but not for that boring.

Here we introduce you to the activities that you can access from your home:

CuentogramBDS Contest

The Library of Santiago began on April 1 the literary contest “CuentogramBDS”, where the image and text are worked as a whole to form a story or story on any topic, but on Instagram.

The aim is to show a dependency where the text and the image contribute new meanings, both connotative and denotative, and are completed or complemented. Bases at:

Festival We are Readers

From Thursday the 23rd to Sunday the 26th you will be able to hold the Somos Lectores festival, one that the La Fuente Foundation will do, together with the Viva Library, the Municipal de Santiago and Viva Leer Copec, among other institutions

Thursday 23 is the time of the children’s workshop (5 PM) in which they will teach the children how to write a story. It can be seen through the Instagram of Biblioteca Viva and Plastilinarte. Meanwhile, on Friday the 24th, at 6 PM, by Biblioteca Viva; and on Saturday the 25th, in the storytelling of the Huemul Library, at 10.30 AM.

On Sunday the 26th there will be an interview with the writer Fran Solar. It will be broadcast at 7 PM, on the Instagram of Biblioteca Viva.

The Inclusive Digital Reading Club

The Digital Public Library will hold the Inclusive Digital Reading Club, which will begin on April 23. In this second version of the activity, users will be able to interact with a blind moderator to discuss the most interesting parts of each book that is analyzed.

The call will open through the social networks of the BPDigital. More details at

Book Day at Home Festival

The Penguin Random House publishing group schedules meetings for this day:

It will be done this Thursday 23 and it is designed, precisely, so that you can have virtual talks with your favorite writers, such as Jorge Baradit or Carla Guelfenbein, who will join this initiative that will depart at 11.30 AM and will have activities simultaneous in Spain and all Latin America.

There will also be the 2010 National Literature Prize, Isabel Allende, at 3.30 PM. There the writer will talk to her readers on a Facebook Live that you can see from her own account on the Social Network.
