
Jair bolsonaro brought out all his homophobia to refer to the combat of the coronavirus and noted that Brazil must stop being “a country of queers”, to face the pandemic, which he said is “oversized.”

The president of that country spoke at a ceremony in the Planalto Palace, seat of the executive branch, on covid-19, a disease that has killed more than 162,000 people and infected 5.67 million, only in Brazil.

“Now everything is the pandemic. I’m sorry for the dead, I’m sorry. We will all die one day, here we will all die one day“said the president, then added that” there is no use running away from this, from reality. We have to stop being a country of queers“.

For Bolsonaro, tourism must be relaunched, for which he criticized those who speak of a possible second wave of infections, which could be even greater than the first. For the same reason, he said that the country must have “courage” to face the situation.


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