BioNTech Says It Could Deliver UK Variant Vaccine Within 6 Weeks | International


The German Laboratory BioNTech, which together with the American Pfizer produced the first internationally approved vaccine against covid-19, could supply a vaccine adapted to the new strain of the virus registered in the United Kingdom “In six weeks”.

“Technically we are able to supply a new vaccine in six weeks “said Ugur Sahin, co-founder of the German lab.

“The beauty of messenger RNA technology is that we can directly start conceive a vaccine that faithfully mimics the new mutation “he said at a press conference a day after the European Union gave the go-ahead to his vaccine.

However, Sahin stressed that it was “Very likely” that the current vaccine is fully effective against this new strain detected in the United Kingdom, which is more contagious and raises an increase in cases.

“Scientifically, it is very likely that the immune response elicited by the vaccine could be used for this variant of the virus,” said the scientist, co-founder with his partner, Özlem Türeci, from BioNTech.

Sahin gave reasons for optimism: the vaccine conceived with Pfizer “contains more than 1,000 amino acids and only nine of them mutated, which means that the 99% of the protein is always the same “.

BioNTech plans to publish the conclusions of studies carried out with this variant of the virus within two weeks, the official added.

The appearance of this mutation in the United Kingdom spread panic in the world and doubts about the efficacy of vaccines.

Due to this situation, dozens of countries in the world travel by air, sea and land suspended with the United Kingdom,
