Biden one step away from triumph after advance in key states


Three days before the presidential elections, Americans are still waiting to know the name of the 46th US President starting next January 20. But amid the uncertainty, the Democratic candidate Joe biden appeared to be one step away from reaching the White House after taking the lead in counting votes in key states of Pennsylvania and Georgia, although the team of his rival, the Republican President Donald trump, he warned that “the election is not over.”

With a scrutiny that progresses with a dropper and has the United States in suspense since Tuesday, no major media had proclaimed the victory of one of the candidates because the margins are very tight. Biden has 253 electoral votes and must reach the threshold of 270 to reach the presidency, so he will be proclaimed the winner if he obtains the 20 electoral votes of Pennsylvania. Trump, on the other hand, has so far added 214 votes for the Electoral College.

Joe Biden supporters participate in a rally as votes continue to be counted after the 2020 U.S. presidential election, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. REUTERS / Eduardo Muñoz

After updating the figures, Biden has 3,315,712 votes compared to 3,301,176 that Trump accumulates. The distance between the two in percentage terms is only two tenths, 14,536 votes, according to The New York Times newspaper. Specifically, Biden has so far won 49.5% of the votes, while Trump has 49.3% with 96% counted. The difference is evident in Philadelphia, a city in which Biden has more than 553,000 votes, while the current president has about 125,000.

In philadelphia, the largest city in the state, about 40,000 votes remained to be counted, most of them provisional and from the military, according to Philadelphia’s chief commissioner Lisa Deeley, who said the final count could take several days. This Friday was the last day Pennsylvania could accept mail-in ballots postmarked on or before Election Day.

But nevertheless, Jim Kenney, the mayor of Philadelphia, said that the accusations of fraud made by Trump “have no basis.” A Pennsylvania court ruled in favor of the president and ruled that his team could observe the recount process in Philadelphia, following a Republican complaint that observers had not had access to it. The city’s electoral authorities rushed to go to the state Supreme Court to try to reverse the ruling.

In addition to Pennsylvania, screenings were not yet closed in Arizona, Nevada, North Carolina, and Georgia. In the latter state, Biden also overtook Trump on Friday. The Democrat had a slim 4,153-vote lead over his Republican rival, 98% scrutinized. Biden appears there with 49.4% of the vote and Trump with 49.3%. The latter needs both Pennsylvania and Georgia to win a second term. Georgia has 16 electoral votes, so if he wins, Biden would be on the verge of the presidency with 269.

More about On the way to the white house

Brad Raffensperger, Georgia’s secretary of state, said he expects the margin to be only “a few thousand” votes, so a recount will be done to ensure “that all votes have been counted properly.” A recount must wait until the Georgia results are certified, which is expected on or before November 20. Around 9,000 military and foreign votes are still pending and could be accepted if they arrived this Friday, as long as they have the postage stamp of Tuesday or earlier. Currently only 4,000 votes to be counted, many of them in Gwinnett County.

In Nevada, where Biden also leads the way with 20,137 votes more than Trump, the Democratic candidate continues to increase his advantage, according to projections at the 92% scrutinized. Yhe largest county in the state, Clark, which includes Las Vegas and is generally a Democratic majority, has 63,000 votes to be counted. Much of the votes by mail are expected to be counted by tomorrow. It is in that state – which distributes six electoral votes – where the current tenant of the White House plans to file a lawsuit with the aim of stopping the recount, according to ABC.

In Arizona, where 11 electoral votes are disputed, Biden has 49.9% against Trump with 48.6%, a 39,400 vote lead, with 94% counted. Maricopa County, which includes the heavily populated city of Phoenix, has 142,000 early votes to be counted, as well as some provisional votes. Biden has a 3.2 percentage point advantage in the county, with 92.2% of the estimated votes counted. A majority of Maricopa’s votes could be counted as soon as this Saturday, said Megan Gilbertson, the communications director for the county elections department.

Trump supporters demonstrate this Friday in Phoenix, Arizona. REUTERS / Jim Urquhart

In North Carolina, Trump has an advantage of 76,709 votes over Biden, although both appear with 49.4% of the vote, counted 98%. Election officials have said the full result will not be known until next week. The state – which delivers 15 electoral votes – allows postal votes postmarked on Tuesday to be counted if they are received before November 12.

Despite the reduction in his chances, Trump’s campaign team was confident of a victory for the president. “This election is not over. The erroneous projections that give Biden the winner are based on results in four states that are far from final, “said Matt Morgan of the Republican team. “We will follow this process in all aspects of the law to ensure that the American people have confidence in our government,” Trump said.

A spokesman for the Biden campaign, Andrew Bates, recalled that it is the public who have the last word. “The US government is perfectly capable of removing intruders from the White House,” he warned, according to CNN. In this sense, the White House economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, called for calm and predicted that the transfer of powers between Trump and Biden will proceed without incident. “I think there will be a peaceful transfer of power,” Kudlow told CNBC. However, a Trump adviser told Fox News that the president has no plans to immediately grant the election. He is “just skeptical.”
