“A hundred years ago, everyone would have thought it absurd to talk about gay marriage. Today, everyone who opposes it is socially excommunicated,” says Benedict XVI in an interview that closes a biography of more than a thousand pages written by journalist Peter. Seewald.
Something similar, according to Benedict XVI (Marktl am Inn, Germany, 1927), occurs with abortion and with the creation of human life in laboratories.
“Modern society is formulating a creed of the antichrist and whoever opposes it is punished with social excommunication. The fear of the spiritual power of the antichrist is too natural,” says the Pope Emeritus.
According to Benedict XVI, the real threat to the church today comes from “a world dictatorship of apparently humanistic ideologies.”
Seewald is the author of several books of interviews with the pope emeritus and the biography that appears this Monday, in the Droemer-Knaur publishing house, is the culmination of several years of work dedicated to the figure of Benedict XVI.
The author of the biography is an advocate of Benedict XVI and argues that his image of him as an ultra-conservative and reactionary pope is largely due to the “slander” of one of his main critics, the German ecumenical theologian Hans Küng .
The pope emeritus also takes advantage of the interview at the end of the book to settle accounts with part of his critics -part of them German theologians- who reproach him for meddling permanently in theological debates, thus undermining the authority of his successor Pope Francis.
“The assertion that I regularly interfere in public debates is an evil misrepresentation of reality,” says the Pope Emeritus, who also assures that his friendship with Francisco has not only been maintained but has been strengthened.
Benedict XVI also assures that there are theologians who want to silence his voice and gives as an example the reactions that there was to an article of his in 2018 in the magazine “Comunnio” on the relations between Christianity and Judaism.
“The spectacle of the reactions of German theology was something so senseless and malicious that it is better not to talk about it. I prefer not to analyze the reasons why I want to silence my voice,” he says.
At its time, the article by Joseph Ratzinger was interpreted by critics, Jews and Christians, as an attempt to question the advances of the Second Vatican Council and return to the previous doctrine according to which the truth can only be found within the Catholic Church. .
From this perspective, the relationship with the other religions could only have a missionary character whose final objective would be conversion.
The biography, according to a statement from the publisher, will also appear in English, Spanish, French and Polish.
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