At dawn this Sunday, January 3, Manola Robles passed away, a prominent national journalist who came to Radio Cooperativa in 1979 and currently works as editor of the Opinion section of our station.
After a long fight against lung cancer, the remembered reporter left and her daughter, Francisca, released the news through social networks, noting that “she looked death in the face, He didn’t give up, he worked, he lived and we loved each other until the last second possible. Rest, finally, in peace “and, in turn, thanked the” infinite expressions of affection, admiration, support, messages, calls, shared stories, their prayers and energy for her. She didn’t feel alone. ”
With deep pain, I share with you that my mother has left. Her fight with cancer has been as fierce as her own story. He looked death in the face, he did not give up, he worked, he lived and we loved each other until the last possible second. Rest in peace at last, we will love you forever
– Fran (@paquitalapaca) January 3, 2021
Likewise, the family highlighted his extensive career as a journalist, but also as wife, mother, grandmother and sister and a bit of their life story:
The daughter of an Andalusian refugee who arrived in Winnipeg and a Chilean mother, Manola led a life marked by her humanitarian values. Those of us who had the privilege of being close to her knew her protective, brave, strong, passionate and above all righteous personality. Loving her family, she was a loving, selfless and exemplary mother to her 2 children, and a dedicated, loving and proud grandmother of her 5 grandchildren.
He had five passions in life: his family, his work, the theater, the poetry of Federico García Lorca and justice.
A tireless worker, her first love was the theater, but since her father did not allow her to pursue that career because he considered it financially unstable, she turned to studying journalism at the University of Chile, from where she graduated in 1968 with distinction.
Although she reported in various national and foreign media, it was on Radio Cooperativa where she made her second home, from 1979 to 2000, when she was appointed as a press attaché, first in Argentina and later in Spain. He returned to the radio of his loves in 2010 and worked tirelessly until last December 24 when, as an opinion editor, she first told publicly about her illness and announced that she was retiring.
With a solid track record in national and international journalism, his professional career was marked by recognitions and awards received, especially in the economic, political and social area. It covered the main economic events from 1980 to 1994, in Latin America, Europe, Asia and the United States.
He accompanied the first democratic president of Chile, Patricio Aylwin on all his tours of Europe, Asia and America.
He reported on all the Ibero-American Summits and the meetings of the so-called Rio Group, of which Chile is a part. She was invited by the United Nations in 1995 to prepare for the World Summit for Social Development.
In the middle of the dictatorship, he went to Havana to the great event on Foreign Debt, opportunity in which he reported and dispatched live to Chile, with the risk that this would imply after returning to the country.
In the 2000s, she served as a Press Attaché at the Chilean embassies in Argentina and Spain, where she fully fulfilled her advisory role to both Ambassadors and information to the presidents of the Republic, directly, as was the case with former presidents Ricardo Lagos and Michelle Bachelet.
We have opened a digital space for all those who want to leave their message for Manola Robles, it will be a tribute and memory that her family and Cooperativa will treasurehttps: //t.co/r0Ky262wal pic.twitter.com/pmE32Bx1O4
– Cooperativa (@Cooperativa) January 3, 2021
• [1964 – 1967] -[Radio Agricultura, Chile.]• [1965 – 1967] -[Revista Latinoamericana NUEVA PLAN, Chile.]• [1966 – 1967] -[Revista SIETE DÍAS, Chile.]• [1967 – 1969] -[Radio Chilena, Chile.]• 1969 SPAIN
• [1970] -[Televisión Nacional, Chile.]• [1970 – 1971] -[Agencia ORBE, Chile.]• [1970 – 1973] -[Diario ULTIMA HORA, Chile.]• [1979 – 2000] -[Radio Cooperativa, Chile.]• [1983 – 1990] -[Asesora de Prensa, COLEGIO MÉDICO DE CHILE, Chile.]• [1986 – 1989] -[Revista CAUCE, Chile.]• [1989 – 1994] -[Agencia REUTER, Chile.]• [1990 – 1992] -[Diario FORTÍN MAPOCHO, Chile.]• [1993] -[Consultora CEPAL, para reunión con el BID y el Banco Mundial, Chile.]• [1994 – 1997] -[Asesora de Prensa, Ex Presidente de la República Patricio Aylwin, Chile.]• [1995 – 1996] -[Corresponsal del Diario EL UNIVERSAL, México.]• [1995 – 2000] -[Docente Escuela de Periodismo, Universidad UNIACC, Chile.]• [1996 – 2000] -[Corresponsal del Diario MILENIO, México.]• [1998] -[Colaboradora de VIVANT UNIVERS, Bélgica.]• [1997 – 2000] -[Conductora Noticiero Central y Editora de Prensa Radio Cooperativa, Chile.]• [2001 – 2005] -[Agregada de Prensa Embajada de Chile en Argentina.]• [2005 – 2006] -[Directora de Contenidos y Servicios Informativos RADIO W, Chile.]• [2005 – 2006] -[Docente en PET de Periodismo, Universidad UNIACC, Chile.]• [2006 – 2010] -[Agregada de Prensa Embajada de Chile en España.]• (July 2010 –November 2010) Coordinator of the business training program Fundación Creaempresa
• December 2010 to date, Opinion Editor of Cooperativa.cl of Compañía Chilena de Comunicaciones (Radio Cooperativa)
• College of Journalists Award, Best Economics Journalist, 1982-1983.
• Award for Cooperativism, General Institute of Cooperatives, 1981.
• Best Economics Journalist Award, Confederation of Retail Trade, 1985.
• Prize for the Best Economics Journalist, Confederation of Small and Medium Industry and Crafts; Best Economics Journalist Award, National Chamber of Commerce, 1989.
• Latin American Journalism Award, Prensa Latina, Cuba, 1988, “for the intellectual rigor and courage of his articles denouncing the denationalization of his country under the Pinochet dictatorship”
• Best Economics Journalist Award, SIDECO, 1992.
• Best Journalist of the Year Award, Winnipeg Group, 1994.
• Lifetime Achievement Award in National Journalism, College of Journalists and Association of Women Journalists, 1995.
• Best Economics Journalist Award, Association of Exporters, 1996.
• Best Economics Journalist Award, Confederation of Retail Trade, 1996.
• ARCHI Award (Association of Radio Broadcasters of Chile) and Las Condes University Award, 1997.
• Best Economics Journalist Award, ASIMET, 1997.
• Lifetime Achievement Award in National Journalism, UNIACC University, 1997.
• Lifetime Achievement Award in National Journalism, Embotelladora Andina, 1998.
• Award for Humanist Journalism, “for his outstanding professional performance in defense of human rights and the dignity of people”: Universidad La República, 2004.
• Award for his commitment to the defense of human rights, awarded by the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores de Chile, 2009.