This week the distributors of the CornerShop applications, Orders Now and Rappi will benefit from the delivery of alcohol gel, to improve their hygienic conditions during their work. There are 15,000 units that will be distributed, thanks to the donation of the AB InBev Chile brewer, who have already helped with various donations to institutions throughout this month.
The idea was born mainly out of concern over the large exposure that people who work in this area face daily. “We understand that application companies are also concerned about the health of their workers and are looking for hygiene measures.”
“This is why we decided to give them a support and make this donation, which we believe will be a great help so that they can carry out their work in a less risky way and take care of the health of both them and their consumers,” said Lucas Turrado, Marketing Director of AB Inbev Chile.
The increase in demand for home services during this pandemic was also a determining factor. In fact, Lucas Turrado, also affirms that “everything that is delivery grew a lot and doing something in favor of the workers linked to this service was the right thing to do.”
This initiative was not the only one during this period. A donation was also made to Desafío Levantemos Chile, to the Chilean Red Cross together with Arturo Vidal, the Movement Supports a Restaurant was implemented, with the aim of helping the Gastronomic industry and units of alcohol gel were distributed to different Institutions such as Public Hospitals , Municipality of Quilicura, among others.