Barricades and traffic diversions in the Alameda in a new day of protests


The Ministry of Transportation reported the presence of barricades on the north road of Alameda Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins, between San Antonio and Mac Iver streets.

The Metropolitan Mobility Network reported that the public transport buses that pass through the capital’s main avenue were diverted by Manuel Rodríguez, those that circulated towards the east, and at the height of Puente del Arzobispo those that went west.

Carabineros, meanwhile, specified that the disorders were concentrated between Lord Cochrane and San Francisco streets.

Personnel from the Public Order Control Prefecture of the uniformed police acted with water carts and tear gas to disperse the protesters.

The unauthorized protest against the government and in favor of those detained in the demonstrations since October 18, 2019, took place without incident in the sector of the National Library, where there were batucadas and dances by the protesters.
