Bachelet’s support for Narvaez’s presidential candidacy stirred the waters in the opposition | National


The support of former president Michelle Bachelet for her former minister Paula Narvaez continues to generate readings in the opposition where, although some try to lower her relevance, others recognize that she can be decisive in the candidacies that are still in doubt, such as Álvaro Elizalde’s. The Socialist senator said that today he is not a standard bearer and that in January the party will settle its candidate, where until now only José Miguel Insulza has made his intention transparent.

The position of former President Michelle Bachelet not only stirred the waters in her party, with the uncertainty of an eventual nomination of President Álvaro Elizalde, which for some is weakened, but also in the rest of the opposition, where other of his former ministers remain with less relevant support.

The support for Paula Narvaez also generates tension in the PS, because it rises in part from the dissidence of the party, which has insisted on the departure of Elizalde from the leadership.

Elizalde says that today he is not a candidate, but he does not close the door to define him in the future. Of course, he clarified that in January the party will define its representative if there is more than one interested party.

“It is necessary to assess the emergence of different alternatives to represent the ideas of democratic socialism, even more so when it is necessary to generate a proposal, a unitary convocation, which is in turn an alternative to those who govern today and have done so badly. In the month of January, the socialist party will define an itinerary that, if there are two or more candidates, will translate into the holding of a primary or citizen consultation “, Held.

Meanwhile, the socialist deputy Leonardo Soto, one of those who signed the letter asking Elizalde to take up the challenge, he appreciated that this ignited the presidential atmosphere in the PS, which until now was without being a protagonist in the debate.

“I am optimistic that the Socialist Party begins and has entered again what is called the presidential race. Until now we have been quite distant and far from this type of debate. I believe that no one can ignore the merits and capabilities of Álvaro Elizalde and also Paula Narváez, what is important is the verdict of the people, rather than the opinion that other candidates who obviously speak from their interest, “he said.

It is just an opinion, minimized PPD senator Guido Girardi, While one of the community’s pre-candidates, Jorge Tarud, appreciated the fact that those who compete should also be asked to resign from party leadership.

“The president, like any Chilean or Chilean, has the right to say, nothing more, I do not give any other importance. I am sorry for the disqualifications that some have made of Álvaro Elizalde, ”Girardi said.

Meanwhile, Tarud mentioned that Bachelet “has the full right as a Chilean citizen to sign a letter of support for a presidential candidate. What she points out is also important, that it is incompatible to be a candidate and at the same time party president “.

The DC presidential candidate, Ximena Rincón, appreciated the incorporation of another woman on the presidential stage.

“It is very welcome that another woman, also from regions, join the presidential definition. We were ministers together, we worked with President Bachelet. It really seems extraordinary to me, and about President Bachelet’s support for Paula or her expression of will that she thinks it is good that Paula is an option, it is obvious, they are both socialists and therefore I think it is absolutely natural “he declared.

January will be a key month, when the parties choose their representative if they have more than two options, and also when Beatriz Sánchez specifies whether or not she will join the contest.
