Reference photo – ATON
An audio between Carabineros was released today, when explicit authorization was given for the use of firearms in defense of the Police Station attacked on Sunday afternoon in Puente Alto.
Radio Biobío delivered the information and where it is revealed that in the internal radio transmission, a voice is heard transmitting the order that gives the green light to the use of firearms in the event that people enter the Twentieth Police Station of Puente Alto, which was under attack with rocks and Molotov cocktails.
Here is the authorization dialog:
– “For Cordillera Uno, to the people who are in the Unit apply the use of firearms, in accordance with the Law, in accordance with N-1832, gradually. They cannot allow civilians to enter the barracks, ”orders a voice that they identify as General Enrique Basaletti.
– “Bien conchetumadre”, is heard in the middle of the same communication as a celebration or response, in the place, to the official order.
– “Shoot the riot shotguns, avoiding the greater evil, always,” he closes.
In video: facade of the 20th Puente Alto Police Station after the attack
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