Attention: SII incorporated corrections to apply for the bond and loan for the middle class


He Internal Revenue Service (SII) reported that during the weekend it incorporated the antecedents on wages and salaries until August 28, those who had submitted after the deadline, as well as the rectifications made to qualify for the Bond and the Solidarity Loan for the middle class.

The 26,237 workers benefited by these measures can now access to the calculation that considers the new information, so that they can opt for the Fiscal Contribution or the Solidarity Loan.

It should be remembered that according to Law 21,252, dependent workers can access the bonus of up to $ 500 thousand if the average of all their income during 2019 is equal to or greater than $ 400 thousand or less than or equal to $ 2 million.

For the Solidarity Loan, meanwhile, they should only have an average income in 2019 equal to or greater than $ 400 thousand. In addition, for both benefits, they must register a decrease of at least 30% of their income in July, as a result of the health emergency.

Finally, the Service clarified that although according to the Law the deadline to apply for the bond expires tomorrow, Monday, August 31, it will continue to analyze specific situations that may not have been corrected in the applications already submitted, to find a solution in the next days, if applicable.
