Attack on Cencosud: hackers would ask for millions of dollars not to reveal Argentine customer data | International


The Chilean conglomerate Cencosud suffered a virtual attack, at the hands of hackers who would be asking for millions of dollars not to make public the information of clients in Argentina.

As Clarín published this Saturday, cybercriminals They would have in their possession purchase records, telephones, addresses, names and surnames of users.

According to what was reported by one of the main trans-Andean media, also Cencosud’s credit card is in danger, because criminals could use it.

“Cencosud brings together Jumbo, Paris, Easy, Costanera Center, Santa Isabel, Vea, Disco, Metro, Johnson and Shopping Center. As a result, many customers are affected, with a very high potential for damage ”, says the aforementioned article.

Likewise, it is pointed out that the hackers would have used a ransomware called Egregor and that “they would have given Cencosud three days to act.”

The notification came through a ransom note which – curiously – “began to print in several Easy branches without anyone executing a print. It happened in Argentina and Chile “, picks up Clarín.
