At least four Isapres announce that they will not raise the prices of plans in the 2021-2022 period


“I humbly ask you, I hope you do not increase the cost of the plans at this time of a pandemic, when many people have had job loss and difficulties in working.”, were the words that this Thursday issued the Minister of Health, Henry Paris, towards the Isapres, just two weeks before the end of the deadline for them to communicate readjustments in the plans for the 2021-2022 period.

In this context, some private insurers have already communicated during the day that they will not carry out a price adjustment, understanding the “Complex” situation that the country is going through due to the pandemic.

One of those is Hive, which announced that it will not readjust the base prices of the pension health contracts corresponding to the 2021-2022 adaptation process. Decision that – according to the insurer clarified – was communicated today by the ISAPRE to the Superintendency of Health.

“At Colmena our main motivation is to be allies of our affiliates and their families in their health care. Based on this purpose and taking into account the exceptional circumstances generated by Covid-19, we have decided not to readjust the prices of the plans corresponding to the 2021-2022 adaptation process, thereby favoring more than 315 thousand contributors “said Colmena’s general manager, Felipe Galleguillos.

Of course, Colmena specified that the readjustment corresponding to the 2020-2021 adaptation process will take effect from July of this year, which had been postponed since July of last year.

Another of the private insurers adhering to the request of the Minister of Health is Isapre New Masvida, which this Thursday also announced to the Superintendency of Health that “It will not use its legal power to apply price adjustments to the health plans of its members, in the adaptation process corresponding to the 2021-2022 period.”

The above, based on the “Complex situation in which our country finds itself, product of the pandemic” Y “A responsible cost containment plan”, Which -according to the insurer- has allowed that in the last 9 years, only once have the prices of individual health plans been adjusted.

Life Three Y Banmedic They would also be among the insurers that will apply a freeze to the price of their 2021-2022 plans.

The Superintendency of Health reported this week that on April 1 the letters for the 2020-2021 adaptation process will begin to be received by users, which was postponed due to the pandemic. This year, seven of the nine existing iapres will apply: Beehive with an average of 4.9%; Life Three with 4.9%; Banmédica with 4.9%; Nueva Masvida with 4.7%; Cruz Blanca with 4.0%; Consalud with 4.0% and Isalud, with an average of 3.0%.

For the realization of claims for increases, a period of 90 days was opened for users.
