Another case for the Ethics Commission: UDI deputy Sergio Bobadilla is criticized for referring to the Comptroller’s Office as the “armed wing of the drug left”


The UDI deputy Sergio Bobadilla will be brought before the Ethics Commission of the Lower House, who on his Twitter account opened a poll for his followers asking if the Comptroller General of the Republic has become the “armed wing of the drug left” .

This was announced by the communist deputy Daniel Núñez, who pointed out that it is “a cunning, absolutely unjustified and rude attack, inappropriate for a parliamentarian.”

“I am going to demand that he be passed to the Ethics Commission to account for these acts that are absolutely at odds with the good behavior that a parliamentarian must have,” Núñez emphasized.

In his opinion, the publication of Deputy Bobadilla “is a very serious insult to this State body. Here, what is sought is to inhibit the actions of the Comptroller’s Office so that in this way it does not exercise its oversight role of government acts and there is no counterweight to the power that the President of the Republic has today ”.

The allusion came in the midst of the controversy over the Comptroller’s investigation of the Carabineros for the administrative responsibilities of the high command during the social outbreak, which has led to harsh criticism from the right to the control body headed by Jorge Bermúdez.

Bobadilla is a deputy for the 20th district, which groups together communes such as Talcahuano, Hualpén, Concepción, among others, and calls himself “#ElDiputadoDelRechazo” on social media.

It is not the first time that in his Twitter account he has been classified as “Narco-left.” In fact, a few days ago another survey was uploaded, asking “which of these qualifiers should we all use to refer to the Broad Front?” and put the word “Narcoizquierda” among the options.
