Announcement of Phase 2 in the MRI falls like a bucket of cold water at the CNC and the Shopping Centers detail the operation of the malls


“Like a bucket of cold water.” So says the president of the National Chamber of Commerce (CNC) Manuel Melero, who dropped the announcement that the entire Metropolitan Region was going back to phase 2 of the Step by Step Plan.

The trade leader accused pessimism about this announcement, and although he assured to respect the decision of the health authority, he also said that “We had everything to close the year well, but people did not respect or take care of themselves and that is why now we all pay together for sinners”.

Melero recalled that within the framework of the campaign launched by the CNC to advance Christmas shopping, a call was made to respect health measures and buy responsibly, a situation that in his opinion was not respected, “people relaxed and well, here we are, “he said.

In this sense, he looked with concern at the impact that this will have on employment and argued that “Just when we were just beginning to lift our heads and improve sales, this bad news comes and falls like a bucket of cold water”.

Melero recalled the rebound that retail sales had experienced in the last time reflected in the good performance exhibited by the trade (17%) in the Imacec of October, but said that “with this it is very likely that the sector will fall again. It’s unfortunate, ”he insisted.

In addition to the regression to phase 2 of the Metropolitan Region, Melero says that if the same happens in the entire Biobío and Valparaíso Region, “there it would be catastrophic, not only for trade, but for tourism that just starts its best season”.

From the Chamber of Commerce Centers, its president Katia Trusich recognized the impact that this will have for the sector, but pointed out that this “is a responsible industry, so it will strictly comply with what is resolved by the health authority.”

Under this logic, the president of the union explained that in phase 2 the shopping centers will continue to operate normally on weekdays, but with essential services of delivery Y click and collect, during the quarantine on Saturdays and Sundays.
