Anita alvarado She was detained by the Carabineros on Friday afternoon and released during the day on Saturday. As explained by her daughter in the first instance through the social networks, the businesswoman got into an argument with her ex-partner, but they took her away for something? nothing to do?
“It turns out that my mother’s ex-partner, they are not currently a couple, he came in search of my younger brother, who is his son, with some papers, nothing to do with it, they did not say when he had to look for him? The young woman explained on her mother’s Instagram.
?? Literally came and said ?? give me my son ?? And he took advantage of it because the police were there and they took my mother because he gave her a mini slap ?? added Anita Alvarado’s daughter.
The statements of Anita Alvarado
After being released and making an Instagram Live, Anita Alvarado spoke with The fourth and detailed that she arrived at the 36th Police Station in Florida and was later transferred to Rondizzoni: What I found inside was impressiveNo wonder the country is like this, I didn’t understand why they threw stones at the police, gendarmes and soldiers, they are stung ?? the woman explained.
??They gave a skinny boy a kick, they took turns, one thought he was a boxer. I said I didn’t want anything for myself, I was just thinking of reporting. I have cried them all because of what I saw in prison, the gendarmes have a complex of guards, in the end they are that. I went to pure suffering, I did not mind being imprisoned ?? added Anita Alvarado.
Regarding what happened with his son and the fight with his former partner, he assured that he will seek all the ways to protect him.
?? My ex never shared with him and less in the week. He went every 15 or 21 days, asked for custody, was his salary lowered? My son has never slept with him, and there is another story there. On Friday he began to insult me in Spanish and English, and in an instant he said? You always go above the law? I slapped him and the police insisted that he go to find injuries ??, said the businesswoman.