A group of 39 countries, including Western powers and their allies, joined in the United Nations To report the human rights situation in China’s Xinjiang region.
The group, composed among others by Germany, Spain, the United States, Japan and the United KingdomHe said he was “gravely concerned about the existence of a large network of political re-education camps where there are credible reports that more than a million people have been arbitrarily detained.”
Before the Third Committee of the UN General AssemblyThese countries drew attention to a growing number of complaints of “grave human rights violations” and to the “severe restrictions” faced by Muslims from the Uighur minority.
“Widespread surveillance continues to target Uighurs and other minorities and more reports of forced labor and forced contraception, including sterilizations, are emerging,” the statement said.
Therefore, they asked that independent observers, including the the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, can enter China to verify the situation in Xinjiang.
However, the Latin American nations were not present in this application and only two signed the letter: Honduras and Haiti.