The Viña 2021 Festival lives important days and now it has added an outstanding voice in the conversation: the National Television Association supported Channel 13 and TVN to suspend next year’s event.
Through a letter written by the President of Anatel, Ernesto Corona, the association assured that it is not possible to hold the Viñamarino event in 2021, taking into account what has happened in other countries.
“World experience indicates that in countries that initially suffered from the virus, strong outbreaks called ‘second wave’ are taking place and, in other cases, third parties, always keeping in mind that it can happen in our country, “wrote Corona.
“Who assumes before the community, the Fifth Region and the country, the responsibility of generating a mass contagion source through the festival event? The Minister of Health, the Mayor of Viña del Mar, the Regional Mayor? Who says: I take responsibility “, he reflected.
And he added: “Certainly, the directors of the television channels, responsibly, have stated that they are not willing to take such a risk and that, as in many parts of the world, it must be adapted to the health crisis we are experiencing.
Anatel’s letter arrives two days after Mayor Virgina Reginato asked the organizing channels for an alternative Covid mode of the event, despite the fact that Channel 13 and TVN insist that “suspending it is the right thing to do.”