An increase of 111 cases of covid-19 registered this weekend in the province of Bío Bío | National


111 new cases of coronavirus have presented the Province of Biobío only between this Saturday and Sunday, so the health authority was emphatic in requesting responsibility to citizens.

Recall that on Saturday there were 50 recent infections, and on Sunday 61 more were reported, leaving the area with 4,415 accumulated and 330 active.

Los Angeles increased by 13, reaching 113 contagious.

While, Cabrero added 10 more infections, Laja 8, Nacimiento 7, Yumbel 6, Tucapel, San Rosendo and Quilaco added 4, Santa Bárbara and Mulchén had 2 more and Negrete 1.

Given this evident increase, considering that the area was below 20 new cases a few weeks ago, both from the Health Department and the Biobío Health Service made an emphatic appeal to the population.

This, considering that some people have been seen in public areas without masks, and also an increase, for example, of meetings in homes.

Let us remember that the Province of Biobío also maintains outbreaks in the hospitals of Yumbel and Nativity, which have left dozens of people in isolation because they are close contacts of the infected.
