Ewan McGregor, known around the world for giving life to Obi Wan Kenobi in the saga Star Wars, He has given a lot to talk about in recent days after announcing his connection with Chile, since one of his great-grandparents was born in our country.

In this context, the actor published one of the episodes of his travel program on the Apple TV + network, in which he is seen enjoying and admiring the wonders of the south.

Without going any further, one of the most colorful extracts of that video shows it sharing quite animated with several people in an inn in Puerto Montt, during the national holidays last year.

Recently, in an interview with LUN, McGregor announced that indeed his great-grandfather was born in our lands, towards the distant 1884.

However, the man soon left for Scotland, where he spent much of his life and raised his family.

“I loved Chile too much, I found the people super friendly, all trying to help us. And the landscapes are really wonderful, “he said.