About 1,000 Chileans have already been vaccinated against Sars-CoV-2 virus. All are volunteers of the tests that different laboratories are carrying out in the country. More than 700 correspond to the candidate vaccines of the pharmaceutical Janssen, from the laboratory of Johnson and Johnson, the first to start testing in the country.
This essay is led by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile, which is coordinating the inoculation in three organisms: Since Family Health Centers (Cesfam), one in Colina, and another in San Bernardo and the Exequiel González Cortés Hospital. In these enclosures, they have already vaccinated more than 400 people.
At the Center for Integral Medicine and Clinical Research, in Talca, where the first three Chileans were vaccinated on October 28, more than 220 volunteers have already been vaccinated and at the Center for Clinical Studies and Medical Research (CECIM) in Santiago , they add 50 more to a week of starting the vaccination.
Miguel O’Ryan, academic of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences (ICBM) from the University of Chile and one of the study leaders, said in a note to Qué Pasa, that there is great interest in being a volunteer and the teams are working at full capacity in the three campuses. “Our goal was between 100 and 120 vaccinated per week. We started the first week of November and hope to complete 400 these days. Now our goal is to complete at least 500 volunteers ”, he pointed.
This week the first vaccinated of the other three candidate vaccines that are being tested in the country were also added. On Friday of last week the vaccination of the Chinese laboratory Sinovac began, a trial led by the Catholic University, which has already inoculated several dozen people.
And this Thursday also began the other Chinese candidate, CanSino, whose trial is being carried out in the south of the country and coordinated by the University of La Frontera.
Dr. Rafael Silva, who heads the Janssen study in Talca, also told Qué Pasa that the interest and participation have been very positive and there are already several patients who have completed a month since that vaccination Therefore, samples have already been taken to measure antibodies, which were sent to the United States.
On Wednesday started the vaccination of volunteers from the clinical study of the vaccine that develops the Oxford University and the pharmaceutical AstraZeneca.
The doctor Sergio Vargas, academic of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences (ICBM) since Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile, and one of the principal investigators of the clinical study of the Astrazeneca-Oxford vaccine in the country, highlighted that they already have more than 300 registered volunteers. Of them, many are health officials, mainly from the North Metropolitan Health Service), but he stressed that the vaccine is also open to people who work serving the public or they must travel in collective locomotion.
“I want to expose what I call coronamania”Explained a doctor in a video shared on YouTube, the one that quickly went viral due to its tenor.
Steven LaTulippe is a U.S. doctor who last November 7, in the context of the US presidential elections and during a demonstration called “Stop the Steal” In support of President Donald Trump before a group gathered in front of the State Capitol, in the city of Salem, he pointed out that the measures that are currently being adopted in the face of the pandemic, in his opinion, are only a “coronomania.”
Through a video, that was viralized by a political group Called Multnomah County Republicans and first reported by a local Portland television station, the doctor said that Covid-19 was just a “common cold” Worse yet, he added that his clinic staff members had not worn masks during the coronavirus pandemic.
“I hate to tell you this, it might scare you, but me and my staff, none of us wore a mask in my clinic ”, he continued as the crowd cheered. “And how many problems did we have in our clinic from that? Zero. Absolutely none ”.
LaTulippe, who owns a clinic called South View Medical Arts in Dallas, southwest of Portland, said he has treated nearly 80 patients with Covid-19. Before taking the microphone, he was introduced as a doctor who was going to speak about the “Myths of the Covid”.
“We have been completely deceived, and I want you to know that this is crazy and that the purpose was only to shut down the American people. This is a threat to your freedom, a threat to our Constitution. I ask everyone, do not put on the mask of shame, “said LaTulippe.
“It is a mask that is designed to control you and turn you off,” he said, calling out the virus, which has killed more than 271,000 people in the United States, “A common cold virus.”
In a telephone interview conducted this Wednesday by the NBC portal in the US, LaTulippe far from qualifying his sayings, reinforced his “anti-mask” stance, explaining that he does not agree with requiring them because he believes that “there is bad science behind it.”
“I have absolutely no no problem with infectivity and I have completely successful treatments, so I ask, ‘What is the problem?’ Why would they demonize me if I know what I’m doing? ”He said.
“I have a very rigid influenza and virus season protocol in my clinic, and it has worked very well for me for years. “he continued. “I’ve never had anyone on my staff or myself sick.”
Almost 37,000 Americans died of Covid-19 in November, the most in any month since the dark early days of the pandemic, a record that could be broken again in December.
To authorize the use in Chile of the vaccine from the pharmaceutical company Pfizer and BioNTech, the Public Health Institute (ISP) called a committee of experts to advise the regulatory agency on this decision.
The same will happen in the United States. The company wants its vaccine prototype to begin to be used in the prevention of Covid-19 before ending clinical studies, after the excellent preliminary results obtained to date (95% effectiveness). Therefore, it presented the documents for an emergency approval, a decision for which the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also requested the formation of a group of experts.
This Thursday, December 10, will be the day chosen for the US decision and seven days later, the same experts will decide on the vaccine from the Moderna company, the other pharmaceutical company that presented its documents for an authorization of this type.
In Chile, the meeting between the advisory council experts and ISP specialists who will decide whether or not to authorize its use in the country, it will take place between December 10 and 18, as stated by the director (s) of this institution Heriberto García Escorza.
For now, García explained to Qué Pasa, There is no exact date, because they must coordinate schedules between 22 people, but he believes that the resolution will be quick and that one session will be sufficient.
If approved, the ISP’s work will continue with the so-called Series Control, a process by which it will be reviewed, batch by batch, the production and quality control protocol, as well as their release certificates and transport conditions, through a documentary review.
“All drugs and vaccines are subject to control and surveillance,” García told Qué Pasa. The granting of the sanitary registration, he adds, imposes obligations on the holder regarding the surveillance of the product (detection and reporting of adverse reactions), while the ISP, within its functions of drug control, includes the control (that the entire process of hospitalization, distribution and use of the vaccine is being carried out in accordance with the authorization granted) and monitoring of adverse effects.