The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Andrés Allamand delivered a minute to the different embassies with the official version on the social outbreak and the plebiscite.
The 10-page document maintains in the first place that “such an outbreak mixed two elements: Unusual and unknown violence, the clearest expression of which was the destruction of various Metro stations and cars in Santiago and peaceful protest demonstrations, which in some cases were massive. “.
“The outbreak evolved into a political crisis, which was channeled through an agreement, at the request of the President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, reached by all political forces -with the sole exception of the Communist Party- to call a plebiscite and write a new Constitution, “he says next.
In the second chapter of the report, entitled “The convulsed 2019”, It is stated that “many were surprised when last year Chile experienced days of protest and unusual violence. There is no doubt that factors such as poor income distribution, low pensions and deficiencies in the public health system influenced this phenomenon.”
“However, it has not been noticed that even successful countries are not immune to social protest. Without going any further, the ‘Arab Spring’ had its origin in Tunisia, the most highly developed country in North Africa. Nor has it been highlighted that 2019 was characterized by giving rise to a global protest movement, “the document adds.
“Furthermore, many of the global causes of unrest were very present in Chile. According to the Report, the
Internet connection is “probably the greatest facilitator of social protest”, and “perception, not necessarily empirical evidence” of “inequality is perhaps the most important indicator of potential political instability”.
Chapter III: Constitutional and electoral process
In Chapter 3 of the report, the Government explained that in the midst of the social outbreak, a democratic alternative was chosen. “At the end of October a plebiscite is scheduled that may give rise to a Convention in charge of drafting a new Constitution. Otherwise, the constitutional change must take place in the National Congress.”
Next, reference is made to the different electoral processes that will take place next year, such as the eventual election of constituents, as well as the votes to elect local and regional governments, such as the presidential election that will take place at the end of 2021.
In this sense, the document highlights that “Chile’s challenge is to channel its political process in an environment of normality and social peace.”
“In any case, the most complex factor in the current scenario is the resurgence of violence from organized groups that perpetrate terrorist actions – as occurs in the south of the country – and from the action of groups whose purpose is to affect the normal operation of national activities “, clarifies the report.
“The apparent purpose of such groups is to try to alter the democratic itinerary that the country has set itself and its control is today a key factor for its normality. However, for this, the confluence of two factors is necessary: First, the government’s action to stop violence and impose public order through the Carabineros, which in their actions must give full guarantees that there will be no human rights violations and, secondly, the energetic and unambiguous repudiation of all political forces in order to isolate the violent “.
Chapter IV: Managing the pandemic
Regarding the management of the covid-19 pandemic, the report highlights the strengthening of the hospital network that allowed “there to always be medical treatment for whoever needed it. The public and private systems were integrated under the same network and the purchase of ventilators allowed to increase the number of ICU beds by 142%, reaching 3,216 “.
They also emphasize that “the increase in the laboratory network facilitated the timely diagnosis and isolation of contagion cases. The PCR processing capacity multiplied by 20, going from 2,000 to 40,000 daily tests, increasing the laboratory network of 8 to 130. Thanks to this, Chile is the country with the highest number of tests
per million inhabitants in Latin America “.
Chapter V: Post covid recovery
It was also reported on the government’s economic measures for post-covid recovery. “The economic measures used had three main“ channels ”: Direct aid to needy households through the Emergency Family Income (IFE), which has benefited approximately 7.5 million people; aid to workers through the Employment Protection Law (LPE), which made it possible to avoid layoffs and benefited thousands of workers and helped companies, mainly small and medium-sized, by expanding state guarantees for loans, through the FOGAPE Law, benefiting more than 240,000 companies. “
“The set of measures outlined has contributed decisively to the fact that in 2020 the fall in the growth of
the Chilean economy is one of the lowest in the region, with a vigorous recovery expected to be counted
2021, “says the document.